Coral crab Pasta

Ingredients :

1 Tablespoon of butter

1 Tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil

1 Teaspoon crushed garlic

1 Teaspoon Grated fresh ginger

Zest and juice from one large Lemon or lime

1/2 Teaspoon garlic and herb salt

1/2 red Capsicum sliced

1 onion finely chopped

200g crab meat

2 cups shredded Lion's Mane mushroom

1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley

1/2 cup chopped fresh oregano

1/2 cup sliced spinach

1 x 500g cooked wholemeal pasta

2 cups vegetable stock

1 Tablespoon corn starch

Garnish with fresh herbs and Parmigiano cheese 

Method :

*Place garlic, ginger, olive oil, butter, onion, seasoning and Capsicum in a large frying pan and saute on medium heat till onions are translucent. 

*Add crab meat, mushroom and saute for 2 more minutes. 

* Dissolve corn starch in stock and add to sauce pan. Bring to boil then remove from heat and fold in parsley, oregano, spinach, lemon juice, zest and pasta. 

*Garnish with fresh herbs and Grated Parmigiano cheese. 


Lions Mane Steaks with Venison Kadhai